Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Employer: Self Employed: Lifetime business owner. We own an online education business called "Growing Farmers" where we provide coaching, community, and courses that help farmers thrive in business and life. We also own the Farm on Central, a small vegetable, fruit, horticulture and education farm in the City of Carlisle. Statement to Citizens: "Let's make Carlisle a destination, not a drive through! I love our little city. We have a lot going for us: new school, attractive neighborhoods, excellent business locations and opportunities. But, let us not hold ourselves back. Since we've moved here, I've talked to hundreds of residents of the town, and listened to what their aspirations, fears, frustrations and concerns are. As a multiple business owner, father and educator, I have the vision and experience to make that happen and help make Carlisle thrive." Here are the four areas I'm focusing on: ~Support and develop businesses in Carlisle ~Streamline City Hall ~Build community ~Transparency in our government. |